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Quetzal Links

This following page is useful links I have complied. These are very helpfulLaughing

My favorite quetzal sites

Helps you search any animal that you want to. Such as a quetzal. It will tell you every thing you need to know about any animal. It doesn't matter the size or shape it will tell you anything. Just go and see.Embarassed
A world of different animals. Where they live how they and more.Surprised
If you login to this website you will find information about a quetzal. So if you want to know more about quetzals then just go login you'll be happy with your result.Foot in mouth
Helps you understand where quetzals come from. Also how they come.Surprised

If you wanna go out to the wildness to see a quetzal check out this website.

The rainforest in which many quetzals live.Smile
The defintion of quetzal.

Quetzal Facts

Did you know quetzal eat about 5 times a day or maybe more.Surprised
They also have ears like a hawk they can hear you from a mile away.Laughing
Different quetzals live in different parts of the forest.Sometimes in a different forest.
Quetzals are the most hardest birds to find.Undecided
Have fun with these facts.