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Photo Gallery

Here on my photo page you can find quetzal images. You can see flying quetzals hiding  quetzals and more.Money mouth

A Painting of a Quetzal

A Quetzal in a tree

A colorful red and green Quetzal

A green and blue Quetzal

A Quetzal in a tree

A Quetzal in it's home

A Painting of a Quetzal

A green and blue Quetzal going to it's nest

A quetzal flying out of a tree

A colorful Quetzal

A Painting 2 Quetzals

A quetzal

A green and yellow quetzal

A green and blue Quetzal in a tree

A Quetzal sleeping

A quetzal on a branch

A quetzal hiding

A mama quetzal and a baby quetzal

A trapped quetzal

A lonely quetzal

A Quetzal in it's home